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静岡県三島市人口統計。 1.町内別人口の月別推移。2007年から更新時 2.年齢別人口の月別推移。2007年から更新時 3.年別人口の推移(抜粋)1935年から2014年12月31日 4.月別人口の推移。1999年から更新時



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#lang ja
#attribution_name 三島市
#file_name Population_and_households_monthly
#property male female foreign_male foreign_female household foreign_household date
#object_type_xsd string int string int int int date
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
1 54133 56467 518 472 40183 502 1999-01-31
2 54082 56389 510 465 40057 498 1999-02-28
3 53884 56183 519 464 40019 500 1999-03-31
4 53980 56307 516 469 40338 502 1999-04-30
5 54031 56364 523 480 40410 507 1999-05-31
6 54074 56403 530 494 40466 524 1999-06-30
7 54126 56425 522 496 40501 515 1999-07-31
8 54115 56401 514 493 40485 506 1999-08-31
9 54086 56370 519 495 40496 505 1999-09-30
10 54109 56386 520 497 40548 509 1999-10-31
11 54114 56376 500 495 40569 489 1999-11-30
12 54121 56362 501 493 40576 490 1999-12-31
13 54113 56357 500 499 40575 502 2000-01-31
14 54106 56352 505 506 40511 506 2000-02-29
15 54023 56243 508 495 40524 505 2000-03-31
16 54186 56373 513 515 40825 525 2000-04-30
17 54254 56408 515 511 40887 529 2000-05-31
18 54288 56410 517 512 40946 530 2000-06-30
19 54314 56454 512 505 41004 525 2000-07-31
20 54359 56479 525 515 41049 534 2000-08-31
21 54349 56494 528 514 41066 534 2000-09-30
22 54383 56500 541 524 41109 550 2000-10-31
23 54370 56496 551 538 41129 569 2000-11-30
24 54327 56522 562 543 41082 576 2000-12-31
25 54304 56521 565 559 41074 580 2001-01-31
26 54341 56547 579 566 41066 595 2001-02-28
27 54303 56536 582 574 41145 607 2001-03-31
28 54457 56685 593 591 41403 620 2001-04-30
29 54545 56699 597 598 41548 625 2001-05-31
30 54528 56706 601 599 41569 630 2001-06-30
31 54525 56666 616 595 41603 636 2001-07-31
32 54534 56675 611 594 41625 635 2001-08-31
33 54521 56680 620 611 41640 651 2001-09-30
34 54567 56735 627 604 41715 653 2001-10-31
35 54604 56778 628 610 41784 658 2001-11-30
36 54675 56793 629 612 41836 656 2001-12-31
37 54686 56791 626 606 41858 648 2002-01-31
38 54639 56777 623 612 41825 650 2002-02-28
39 54458 56616 613 618 41772 644 2002-03-31
40 54602 56702 625 628 41987 662 2002-04-30
41 54635 56742 617 627 42047 655 2002-05-31
42 54640 56778 618 624 42085 659 2002-06-30
43 54655 56762 614 624 42092 653 2002-07-31
44 54707 56787 605 622 42145 640 2002-08-31
45 54676 56762 608 625 42149 644 2002-09-30
46 54679 56796 620 627 42176 653 2002-10-31
47 54711 56794 644 638 42235 680 2002-11-30
48 54727 56783 644 649 42262 690 2002-12-31
49 54752 56802 639 643 42280 681 2003-01-31
50 54692 56763 653 632 42199 696 2003-02-28
51 54665 56708 645 622 42295 693 2003-03-31
52 54739 56827 652 632 42501 700 2003-04-30
53 54773 56832 638 618 42552 678 2003-05-31
54 54827 56854 645 646 42629 709 2003-06-30
55 54819 56889 673 662 42661 741 2003-07-31
56 54830 56918 675 661 42669 734 2003-08-31
57 54832 56920 695 667 42694 757 2003-09-30
58 54833 56903 702 658 42727 755 2003-10-31
59 54877 56926 706 668 42779 752 2003-11-30
60 54903 56945 689 669 42793 729 2003-12-31
61 54928 56970 678 663 42811 714 2004-01-31
62 54907 56942 692 664 42752 724 2004-02-29
63 54869 56838 710 672 42853 746 2004-03-31
64 54980 56880 729 700 43001 774 2004-04-30
65 55028 56924 740 706 43114 786 2004-05-31
66 55024 56913 750 715 43143 795 2004-06-30
67 55064 56951 710 715 43193 758 2004-07-31
68 55073 56920 705 720 43215 756 2004-08-31
69 55077 56915 701 720 43226 753 2004-09-30
70 55120 56918 715 709 43272 754 2004-10-31
71 55159 56943 718 708 43322 762 2004-11-30
72 55156 56957 728 709 43337 771 2004-12-31
73 55173 56988 727 717 43365 768 2005-01-31
74 55156 57001 732 724 43336 776 2005-02-28
75 55120 57010 736 724 43463 778 2005-03-31
76 55276 57113 745 738 43681 799 2005-04-30
77 55353 57183 745 742 43781 805 2005-05-31
78 55394 57186 734 737 43840 800 2005-06-30
79 55391 57230 755 745 43868 819 2005-07-31
80 55405 57215 750 742 43902 807 2005-08-31
81 55410 57212 743 750 43927 801 2005-09-30
82 55458 57275 752 761 44001 804 2005-10-31
83 55507 57291 759 768 44060 813 2005-11-30
84 55510 57319 755 770 44053 816 2005-12-31
85 55478 57297 760 765 44056 815 2006-01-31
86 55422 57296 768 760 44013 815 2006-02-28
87 55250 57142 761 757 43986 815 2006-03-31
88 55185 57141 772 761 44037 825 2006-04-30
89 55228 57183 748 753 44117 802 2006-05-31
90 55266 57216 736 757 44177 794 2006-06-30
* Row count is limited to 100.