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How many people have been killed by guns since Newtown

This is a draft dataset from the dataset published by the website in this article: How Many People Have Been Killed by Guns Since Newtown? Slate partners with @GunDeaths for an interactive, crowdsourced tally of the toll firearms have taken since Dec. 14. By Chris Kirk and Dan Kois Posted Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013, at 9:00 AM ET.

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Slate and the Twitter feed @GunDeaths are collecting data for their crowdsourced interactive graphic article at the above link. Slate: about this project The authors request, "If you know about a gun death in your community that isn’t represented here, please tweet @GunDeaths with a citation. (If you’re not on Twitter, you can email And if you’d like to use this data yourself for your own projects, it’s open. You can download it here: "

If you reuse this data, please include the above reference to the original authors.




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