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#lang en
#attribution_name Takaho A. Endo
#file_name ChIP_seq_sample_table.xls
#property H3K4me3 H3K27me3 Suz12
#object_type_xsd string string string
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion
93837 1 -1 -1
54614 -1 -1 -1
98314 1 -1 -1
21847 1 -1 -1
229389 -1 -1 -1
21848 1 -1 -1
76464 1 -1 -1
212999 1 -1 -1
218461 1 1 -1
98363 1 1 1
98365 -1 -1 -1
98366 1 -1 -1
54624 1 -1 -1
327747 1 1 -1
229445 1 -1 -1
98376 1 -1 -1
622665 1 -1 -1
433181 -1 -1 -1
327762 1 -1 -1
622675 1 -1 -1
98388 1 1 -1
16398 1 1 -1
327766 1 1 -1
259033 -1 -1 -1
98396 1 -1 -1
229473 1 -1 -1
98402 1 -1 -1
98403 1 -1 -1
98404 1 -1 -1
54630 1 -1 -1
98415 1 -1 -1
229488 -1 -1 -1
98417 1 -1 -1
213011 1 -1 -1
76478 1 -1 -1
327799 1 1 1
213012 1 -1 -1
229499 -1 -1 -1
229503 1 -1 -1
229504 1 -1 -1
327814 1 1 -1
229512 1 -1 -1
240322 1 1 1
546157 -1 -1 -1
16408 -1 -1 -1
327826 1 -1 -1
229524 1 -1 -1
114713 1 -1 -1
16410 1 -1 -1
229534 1 -1 -1
114715 1 -1 -1
229541 -1 -1 -1
229542 -1 -1 -1
229543 1 -1 -1
16412 1 -1 -1
100037278 1 -1 -1
327860 -1 -1 -1
98488 1 -1 -1
229562 -1 -1 -1
16373 1 1 1
54645 1 -1 -1
98496 1 -1 -1
54646 1 -1 -1
229574 -1 -1 -1
60361 -1 -1 -1
207565 1 -1 -1
229584 1 -1 -1
213027 1 -1 -1
229588 1 -1 -1
229589 1 -1 -1
229593 1 -1 -1
229595 1 -1 -1
327900 1 -1 1
218490 1 -1 -1
229599 1 -1 -1
229600 1 -1 -1
229603 1 -1 -1
100040937 -1 -1 -1
229615 1 -1 -1
333182 1 -1 -1
98558 1 -1 -1
327942 1 -1 -1
229644 1 -1 -1
327954 1 -1 -1
327956 -1 -1 -1
327957 -1 -1 -1
327958 1 1 1
229658 1 -1 -1
229663 1 -1 -1
229665 -1 -1 -1
76507 -1 -1 -1
* Row count is limited to 100.