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Semantic Web Apps in SWC(test)




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#attribution_name Kouji Kozaki
#file_name Semantic_Web_Apps_in_SWC
#property conference title pp. Domain UsageTypeOfOntology UsageTypeOfOntology UsageTypeOfOntology UsageTypeOfOntology UsageTypeOfOntology UsageTypeOfOntology UsageTypeOfOntology UsageTypeOfOntology UsageTypeOfOntology TypeOfOntology
#object_type_xsd string:en string:en string:en string string string string string string string string string string string string
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion ISWC2002 ClaiMaker:Weaving a Semantic Web of Research Papers 436-441 Gangmin Li; Victoria Uren; Enrico Motta; Simon Buckingham Shum; John Domingue; scientific information Search Knowledge Sharing (C) ISWC2002 Browsing Schedule- An Agent-Based Approach to Navigating the Semantic Web 469-473 Terry R. Payne; Rahul Singh; Katia Sycara; scientific information Search Knowledge Sharing (C) ISWC2002 Towards High-Precision Service Retrieval 84-101 Abraham Bernstein; Mark Klein; service Search Data Schema (D) ISWC2002 Semantic Configulation Web Services in the CAWICOMS Project 192-205 Alexander Felfernig; Gerhard Friedrich; Dietmar Jannach; Markus Zanker; service Search Knowledge Models (D) ISWC2002 Bringing Together Semantic Web and Web Services 279-291 Joachim Peer; service Search Knowledge Sharing (C) ISWC2002 Semantic Matching of Web Services Capabilities 333-347 Massimo Paolucci; Takahiro Kawamura; Terry R. Payne; Katia Sycara; service Data Schema Semantic Analysis (C) ISWC2002 Business and Enterprise Ontology Management with SymOntoX 442-447 Michele Missikoff; Francesco Taglino; business Index Semantic Analysis (C) ISWC2002 A Mini-experiment in Semantic Annotation 404-408 Guus Schreiber; Inger I. Blok; Daan Carlier; Wouter P. C. van Gent; Jair Hokstam; Uri Roos; multimedia Search Index (C) ISWC2002 Ontology-Based Integration of XML Web Resources 117-131 Bernd Amann; Catriel Beeri; Irini Fundulaki; Michel Scholl; Webpage Search Data Schema (C) ISWC2003 Making Business Sense of the Semantic Web 818-833 Zavisa Bjelogrlic; Dirk-Willem van Gulik; Alberto Reggiori; - ISWC2003 A Semantic E-Wallet to Reconcile Privacy and Context Awareness 385-401 Fabien L. Gandon; Norman M. Sadeh; access management Search Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2003 Infrastructure for Web Explanations 113-129 Deborah L. McGuinness; Paulo Pinheiro da Silva; multipurpose Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2003 ODESeW. Automatic Generation of Knowledge Portals for Intranets and Extranets 802-817 Oscar Corcho; Asunción Gómez-Pérez; Angel López-Cima; V. López-García; María del Carmen Suárez-Figueroa; multipurpose Search (C) ISWC2003 KIM – Semantic Annotation Platform 834-849 Borislav Popov; Atanas Kiryakov; Angel Kirilov; Dimitar Manov; Damyan Ognyanoff; Miroslav Goranov; multipurpose Search (C) ISWC2003 A Semantic Infosphere 882-896 Michael Uschold; Peter Clark; Fred Dickey; Casey Fung; Sonia Smith; Stephen Uczekaj; Michael Wilke; Sean Bechhofer; Ian Horrocks; multipurpose Information Extraction (C) ISWC2003 Ontology-Based Query and Answering in Chemistry: OntoNova Project Halo 913-928 Jürgen Angele; Eddie Moench; Henrik Oppermann; Steffen Staab; D. Wenke; multipurpose Search Knowledge Models (E) ISWC2003 An Approach for the Ranking of Query Results in the Semantic Web 500-516 Nenad Stojanovic; Rudi Studer; Ljiljana Stojanovic; multipurpose Semantic Analysis (C) ISWC2003 ScadaOnWeb – Web Based Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition 788-801 Thomas Dreyer; David Leal; Andrea Schröder; Michael Schwan; multipurpose Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2003 An Agent Framework for Inter-personal Information Sharing with an RDF-Based Repository 438-452 Koji Kamei; Sen Yoshida; Kazuhiro Kuwabara; Jun-ichi Akahani; Tetsuji Satoh; agent Knowledge Sharing (C) ISWC2003 Mangrove: Enticing Ordinary People onto the Semantic Web via Instant Gratification 754-770 Luke McDowell; Oren Etzioni; Steven D. Gribble; Alon Halevy; Henry Levy; William Pentney; Deepak Verma; Stani Vlasseva; software Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2003 Ontology-Based Resource Matching in the Grid – The Grid Meets the Semantic Web 706-721 Hongsuda Tangmunarunkit; Stefan Decker; Carl Kesselman; software Search Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2003 Haystack: A Platform for Authoring End User Semantic Web Applications 738-753 Dennis Quan; David Huynh; David R. Karger; software Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2003 Task Computing – The Semantic Web Meets Pervasive Computing 866-881 Ryusuke Masuoka; Bijan Parsia; Yannis Labrou; software Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2003 Ontology-Based Information Integration in the Automotive Industry 897-912 Andreas Maier; Hans-Peter Schnurr; York Sure; business Systematizing Knowledge (C) ISWC2003 SCULPTEUR: Towards a New Paradigm for Multimedia Museum Information Handling 582-596 Matthew Addis; Mike Boniface; Simon Goodall; Paul Grimwood; Sanghee Kim; Paul Lewis; Kirk Martinez; Alison Stevenson; multimedia Search (C) ISWC2003 Towards Ontology-Driven Discourse: From Semantic Graphs to Multimedia Presentations 597-612 Joost Geurts; Stefano Bocconi; Jacco van Ossenbruggen; Lynda Hardman; multimedia Search (C) ISWC2003 Integrating Structure and Semantics into Audio-visual Documents 566-581 Raphaël Troncy; multimedia Search (C) ISWC2003 Magpie – Towards a Semantic Web Browser 690-705 Martin Dzbor; John Domingue; Enrico Motta; Webpage Search Index (C) ISWC2004 SemanticOrganizer: A Customizable Semantic Repository for Distributed NASA Project Teams 767-781 Richard M. Keller; Daniel C. Berrios; Robert E. Carvalho; David R. Hall; Stephen J. Rich; Ian B. Sturken; Keith J. Swanson; Shawn R. Wolfe; knowledge management Systematizing Knowledge (C) ISWC2004 Metadata-Driven Personal Knowledge Publishing 591-604 Ikki Ohmukai; Hideaki Takeda; Masahiro Hamasaki; Kosuke Numa; Shin Adachi; Web community Data Schema Knowledge Sharing (C) ISWC2004 GridVine: Building Internet-Scale Semantic Overlay Networks 107-121 Karl Aberer; Philippe Cudré-Mauroux; Manfred Hauswirth; Tim Van Pelt; multipurpose Knowledge Sharing (C) ISWC2004 Automatic Generation of Ontology for Scholarly Semantic Web 726-740 Thanh Tho Quan; Siu Cheung Hui; A.C.M. Fong; Tru Hoang Cao; ontology Systematizing Knowledge (B) ISWC2004 Towards a Symptom Ontology for Semantic Web Applications 650-667 Kenneth Baclawski; Christopher J. Matheus; Mieczyslaw M. Kokar; Jerzy Letkowski; Paul A. Kogut; ontology Data Schema (C) ISWC2004 Bibster – A Semantics-Based Bibliographic Peer-to-Peer System 122-136 Peter Haase; Jeen Broekstra; Marc Ehrig; Maarten Menken; Peter Mika; Mariusz Olko; Michal Plechawski; Pawel Pyszlak; Björn Schnizler; Ronny Siebes; Steffen Staab; Christoph Tempich; scientific information Search Data Schema (C) ISWC2004 Using Semantic Web Technologies for Representing E-science Provenance 92-106 Jun Zhao; Chris Wroe; Carole Goble; Robert Stevens; Dennis Quan; Mark Greenwood; scientific information Data Schema (C) ISWC2004 Querying Real World Services Through the Semantic Web 741-751 Kaoru Hiramatsu; Jun-ichi Akahani; Tetsuji Satoh; service Search Data Schema (C) ISWC2004 Public Deployment of Semantic Service Matchmaker with UDDI Business Registry 752-766 Takahiro Kawamura; Jacques-Albert De Blasio; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Massimo Paolucci; Katia Sycara; service Index (B) ISWC2004 Automated Composition of Semantic Web Services into Executable Processes 380-394 Paolo Traverso; Marco Pistore; service Information Extraction Knowledge Models (D) ISWC2004 Applying KAoS Services to Ensure Policy Compliance for Semantic Web Services Workflow Composition and Enactment 425-440 Andrzej Uszok; Jeffrey M. Bradshaw; Renia Jeffers; Austin Tate; Jeff Dalton; service Information Extraction Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2004 Opening Up Magpie via Semantic Services 635-649 Martin Dzbor; Enrico Motta; John Domingue; service Data Schema (C) ISWC2004 Semantic Web Service Interaction Protocols: An Ontological Approach 304-319 Ronald Ashri; Grit Denker; Darren Marvin; Mike Surridge; Terry Payne; service Knowledge Models (D) ISWC2004 Applying Semantic Web Technology to the Life Cycle Support of Complex Engineering Assets 812-822 David Price; Rob Bodington; business Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2004 SWS for Financial Overdrawn Alerting 782-796 José Manuel López-Cobo; Silvestre Losada; Oscar Corcho; Richard Benjamins; Marcos Niño; Jesús Contreras; business Data Schema (D) ISWC2004 OntoViews – A Tool for Creating Semantic Web Portals 797-811 Eetu Mäkelä; Eero Hyvönen; Samppa Saarela; Kim Viljanen; multimedia Search Index Data Schema Knowledge Sharing (C) ISWC2004 Rules-By-Example – A Novel Approach to Semantic Indexing and Querying of Images 534-548 Suzanne Little; Jane Hunter; multimedia Search Data Schema (C) ISWC2004 What Would It Mean to Blog on the Semantic Web? 214-228 David R. Karger; Dennis Quan; Webpage Knowledge Sharing Semantic Analysis (C) ESWC2005 An Argumentation Ontology for DIstributed, Loosely-controlled and evolvInG Engineering processes of oNTologies (DILIGENT) 241-256 Christoph Tempich; H. Sofia Pinto; York Sure; Steffen Staab; knowledge management Semantic Analysis Systematizing Knowledge (C) ESWC2005 Knowledge Sharing by Information Retrieval in the Semantic Web 471-485 Neyir Sevilmis; André Stork; Tim Smithers; Jorge Posada; Massimiliano Pianciamore; Rui Castro; Ivan Jimenez; Gorka Marcos; Marco Mauri; Paolo Selvini; Bruno Thelen; Vincenzo Zecchino; knowledge management Systematizing Knowledge (C) ESWC2005 Semantic Web-Based Document: Editing and Browsing in AktiveDoc 623-632 Vitaveska Lanfranchi; Fabio Ciravegna; Daniela Petrelli; knowledge management Index Knowledge Models (B) ESWC2005 Activity Based Metadata for Semantic Desktop Search 439-454 Paul Alexandru Chirita; Rita Gavriloaie; Stefania Ghita; Wolfgang Nejdl; Raluca Paiu; Semantic Desktop Search Index (C) ESWC2005 Towards Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities 500-514 John G. Breslin; Andreas Harth; Uldis Bojars; Stefan Decker; Web community Knowledge Sharing (C) ESWC2005 DRAGO: Distributed Reasoning Architecture for the Semantic Web 361-376 Luciano Serafini; Andrei Tamilin; multipurpose Knowledge Sharing ESWC2005 An Ontology-Based Information Retrieval Model 455-470 David Vallet; Miriam Fernández; Pablo Castells; multipurpose Common Vocabulary (C) ESWC2005 Generating Tailored Textual Summaries from Ontologies 531-545 Kalina Bontcheva; multipurpose ESWC2005 AquaLog: An Ontology-Portable Question Answering System for the Semantic Web 546-562 Vanessa Lopez; Michele Pasin; Enrico Motta; multipurpose Knowledge Models (C) ESWC2005 The Personal Publication Reader: Illustrating Web Data Extraction, Personalization and Reasoning for the Semantic Web 515-530 Robert Baumgartner; Nicola Henze; Marcus Herzog; Webpage Common Vocabulary (C) ESWC2005 Collaborative and Usage-Driven Evolution of Personal Ontologies 486-499 Peter Haase; Andreas Hotho; Lars Schmidt-Thieme; York Sure; ontology Systematizing Knowledge (C) ESWC2005 Monitoring Research Collaborations Using Semantic Web Technologies 664-678 Harith Alani; Nicholas Gibbins; Hugh Glaser; Stephen Harris; Nigel Shadbolt; scientific information Data Schema Semantic Analysis (C) ESWC2005 Semantic-Based Automated Composition of Distributed Learning Objects for Personalized E-Learning 633-648 Simona Colucci; Tommaso Di Noia; Eugenio Di Sciascio; Francesco M. Donini; Azzurra Ragone; education Knowledge Models (D) ESWC2005 Towards B2B Integration in Telecommunications with Semantic Web Services 710-724 Alistair Duke; Marc Richardson; Sam Watkins; Martin Roberts; service Knowledge Models (C) ESWC2005 Enabling Real World Semantic Web Applications Through a Coordination Middleware 679-693 Robert Tolksdorf; Lyndon J. B. Nixon; Elena Paslaru Bontas; Duc Minh Nguyen; Franziska Liebsch; service Knowledge Models (E) ESWC2005 Feta: A Light-Weight Architecture for User Oriented Semantic Service Discovery 17-31 Phillip Lord; Pinar Alper; Chris Wroe; Carole Goble; bio Common Vocabulary Search (C) ESWC2005 Pedro Ontology Services: A Framework for Rapid Ontology Markup 578-591 Kevin Garwood; Phillip Lord; Helen Parkinson; Norman W. Paton; Carole Goble; bio Index (C) ESWC2005 A Semantic Service Environment: A Case Study in Bioinformatics 694-709 Stephen Potter; Stuart Aitken; bio Knowledge Models (C) ESWC2005 Product Information Meta-search Framework for Electronic Commerce Through Ontology Mapping 408-422 Wooju Kim; Dae Woo Choi; Sangun Park; business Search Knowledge Sharing (C) ESWC2005 Towards an Ontology-Based Distributed Architecture for Paid Content 257-271 Wernher Behrendt; Aldo Gangemi; Wolfgang Maass; Rupert Westenthaler; multimedia Data Schema Knowledge Sharing (C) ESWC2005 RELFIN - Topic Discovery for Ontology Enhancement and Annotation 608-622 Markus Schaal; Roland M Müller; Marko Brunzel; Myra Spiliopoulou; multimedia Common Vocabulary (C) ESWC2005 Semantic Annotation of Images and Videos for Multimedia Analysis 592-607 Stephan Bloehdorn; Kosmas Petridis; Carsten Saathoff; Nikos Simou; Vassilis Tzouvaras; Yannis Avrithis; Siegfried Handschuh; Yiannis Kompatsiaris; Steffen Staab; Michael G. Strintzis; multimedia Index (C) ESWC2005 Multiple Vehicles for a Semantic Navigation Across Hyper-environments 423-438 Irene Celino; Emanuele Della Valle; Webpage Index (C) ESWC2005 Orchestration of Semantic Web Services for Large-Scale Document Annotation 649-663 Barry Norton; Sam Chapman; Fabio Ciravegna; Webpage Common Vocabulary (C) ISWC2005 Semantically Rich Recommendations in Social Networks for Sharing, Exchanging and Ranking Semantic Context 293-307 Stefania Ghita; Wolfgang Nejdl; Raluca Paiu; Web community Information Extraction (C) ISWC2005 An Ontological Framework for Dynamic Coordination 638-652 Valentina Tamma; Chris van Aart; Thierry Moyaux; Shamimabi Paurobally; Ben Lithgow-Smith; Michael Wooldridge; agent Semantic Analysis Knowledge Models (D) ISWC2005 A Little Semantic Web Goes a Long Way in Biology 786-800 K. Wolstencroft; A. Brass; I. Horrocks; P. Lord; U. Sattler; D. Turi; R. Stevens; bio Semantic Analysis (C) ISWC2005 Provenance-Based Validation of E-Science Experiments 801-815 Sylvia C. Wong; Simon Miles; Weijian Fang; Paul Groth; Luc Moreau; bio Semantic Analysis (C) ISWC2005 Semantic Browsing of Digital Collections 127-141 Trevor Collins; Paul Mulholland; Zdenek Zdrahal; multimedia Index Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2005 Piggy Bank: Experience the Semantic Web Inside Your Web Browser 413-430 David Huynh; Stefano Mazzocchi; David Karger; Webpage Data Schema (C) ISWC2005 Introducing Autonomic Behaviour in Semantic Web Agents 653-667 Valentina Tamma; Ian Blacoe; Ben Lithgow-Smith; Michael Wooldridge; Webpage Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2005Industrial Enterprise Architecture Reference Modeling in OWL/RDF 844-857 Dean Allemang; Irene Polikoff; Ralph Hodgson; e-government Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2005Industrial The Concept Object Web for Knowledge Management 1041-1049 James Starz; Brian Kettler; Peter Haglich; Jason Losco; Gary Edwards; Mark Hoffman; knowledge management Search (C) ISWC2005Industrial LKMS – A Legal Knowledge Management System Exploiting Semantic Web Technologies 872-886 Luca Gilardoni; Chistian Biasuzzi; Massimo Ferraro; Roberto Fonti; Piercarlo Slavazza; knowledge management Search (C) ISWC2005Industrial A Semantic Search Engine for the International Relation Sector 1002-1015 L. Rodrigo; V.R Benjamins; J. Contreras; D. Patón; D. Navarro; R. Salla; M. Blázquez; P. Tena; I. Martos; multipurpose Search (C) ISWC2005Industrial Definitions Management: A Semantics-Based Approach for Clinical Documentation in Healthcare Delivery 887-901 Vipul Kashyap; Alfredo Morales; Tonya Hongsermeier; Qi Li; medical Semantic Analysis Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2005Industrial Semantic Service Integration for Water Resource Management 816-828 Ross Ackland; Kerry Taylor; Laurent Lefort; Mark Cameron; Joel Rahman; service Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2005Industrial Ontological Approach to Generating Personalized User Interfaces for Web Services 916-927 Deepali Khushraj; Ora Lassila; service Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2005Industrial Task Knowledge Based Retrieval for Service Relevant to Mobile User’s Activity 959-973 Takefumi Naganuma; Shoji Kurakake; service Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2005Industrial Ubiquitous Service Finder Discovery of Services Semantically Derived from Metadata in Ubiquitous Computing 902-915 Takahiro Kawamura; Kouji Ueno; Shinichi Nagano; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Akihiko Ohsuga; service Search (C) ISWC2005Industrial An Application of Semantic Web Technologies to Situation Awareness 944-958 Christopher J. Matheus; Mieczyslaw M. Kokar; Kenneth Baclawski; Jerzy J. Letkowski; geographical Knowledge Models (E) ISWC2005Industrial Automated Business-to-Business Integration of a Logistics Supply Chain Using Semantic Web Services Technology 987-1001 Chris Preist; Javier Esplugas-Cuadrado; Steven A. Battle; Stephan Grimm; Stuart K.Williams; business Search Knowledge Models (C) ISWC2005Industrial Do Not Use This Gear with a Switching Lever! Automotive Industry Experience with Semantic Guides 1029-1040 Hans-Peter Schnurr; Jürgen Angele; business Search (E) ISWC2005Industrial MediaCaddy - Semantic Web Based On-Demand Content Navigation System for Entertainment 858-871 Shishir Garg; Amit Goswami; Jérémy Huylebroeck; Senthil Jaganathan; Pramila Mullan; multimedia Search (C) ISWC2005SWChallenge The Personal Publication Reader 1050-1053 Fabian Abel; Robert Baumgartner; Adrian Brooks; Christian Enzi; Georg Gottlob; Nicola Henze; Marcus Herzog; Matthias Kriesell; Wolfgang Nejdl; Kai Tomaschewski; multipurpose Search Information Extraction Knowledge Models (C)
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