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004 世帯数と人口の推移




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#lang ja
#attribution_name sabaecity
#file_name 004sabaetokei
#property nendo households tot man female
#object_type_xsd string int int int int
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
1 昭和31 8500 41735 19561 22174
2   32 9719 47855 22744 25111
3   33 9794 47899 22677 25222
4   34 9880 47905 22646 25259
5   35 9911 48633 22858 25775
6   36 10125 49343 23256 26087
7   37 10286 49472 23408 26064
8   38 10442 49706 23665 26041
9   39 10720 50254 24057 26197
10   40 10928 50658 24313 26345
11   41 11172 50739 24403 26336
12   42 11366 51149 24737 26412
13   43 11571 51558 25069 26489
14   44 11815 52217 25385 26832
15   45 12125 53036 25831 27205
16   46 12530 54106 26347 27759
17   47 12925 55606 27220 28386
18   48 13240 56531 27720 28811
19   49 13477 57321 28148 29173
20   50 13782 57969 28462 29507
21   51 14021 58637 28782 29855
22   52 14220 59236 29108 30128
23   53 14387 59744 29370 30374
24   54 14536 60021 29515 30506
25   55 14687 60439 29714 30725
26   56 14763 60502 29723 30779
27   57 14983 60991 29944 31047
28   58 15099 61337 30111 31226
29   59 15258 61798 30300 31498
30   60 15396 62102 30408 31649
31   61 16314 62378 30574 31804
32   62 16435 62661 30671 31990
33   63 16599 62862 30680 32182
34 平成元 16717 62997 30731 32266
35   2 16851 63022 30753 32269
36   3 16995 63176 30816 32360
37   4 17162 63444 30932 32512
38   5 17340 63620 30994 32626
39   6 17591 63906 31144 32762
40   7 17831 64157 31281 32876
41   8 18137 64514 31425 33089
42   9 18253 64648 31518 33130
43   10 18637 65164 31840 33324
44   11 19054 65689 32097 33592
45   12 19463 66194 32333 33861
46   13 19866 66580 32488 34092
47   14 20122 66872 32564 34308
48   15 20411 67248 32750 34498
49   16 20721 67688 32911 34777
50 17 20999 68010 33055 34955
51 18 21410 68312 33218 35094
52   19 21712 68564 33291 35273
53   20 21912 68681 33302 35379
54   21 22005 68693 33312 35381
55   22 22087 68624 33209 35415
56   23 22288 68777 33330 35447
57   24 22309 68923 33400 35523
58   25 22574 68974 33464 35510
59   26 22769 68941 33482 35459
* Row count is limited to 100.