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複雑なギリシャ神話の相関図を示した。 foaf:knowsは自身の子供に対して関係となっている。 同じ子を持つ親は夫婦であり、子は親を2柱持つ。 また、子の親が1柱であった場合1柱の神から生まれてきていることが分かる。



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#lang ja
#attribution_name Ladiclexxx
#file_name GREEK_GODS
#namespace foaf
#namespace god
#namespace monster
#namespace titan
#property foaf:gender foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows foaf:knows
#object_type_xsd string:ja string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
god:Chaos unknown Chaos god:Tartarus god:Erebus god:Gaia god:Eros god:Nyx
god:Tartarus male Tartarus god:Typhon
god:Gaia female Gaia god:Uranus monster:Mountains god:Pontus monster:Cyclopes titan:Cronus titan:Rhea titan:Coeus titan:Phoebe god:Hyperion monster:Hecatonchires titan:Iapetus titan:Oceanus titan:Tethys monster:Echidna god:Typhon
god:Nyx female Nyx god:Aether god:Hemera
god:Erebus male Erebus god:Aether god:Hemera god:Momus god:Ponos god:Moros god:Thanatos god:Hypnos godHesperides god:KeresAndFates god:Nemesis god:Apate god:Philotes god:Geras god:Eris
god:Uranus male Uranus monster:Cyclopes titan:Cronus titan:Rhea titan:Coeus titan:Phoebe god:Hyperion monster:Hecatonchires titan:Iapetus titan:Oceanus titan:Tethys monster:Echidna
titan:Cronus male Cronus god:Hestia god:Hades god:Hera god:Poseidon god:Demeter god:Zeus
titan:Rhea female Rhea god:Hestia god:Hades god:Hera god:Poseidon god:Demeter god:Zeus
titan:Coeus male Coeus god:Leto
titan:Phoebe female Phoebe god:Leto
titan:Iapetus male Iapetus god:Epimetheus titan:Prometheus god:Atlas
titan:Oceanus male Oceanus god:Pleione god:Inachus god:Melia
titan:Tethys female Tethys god:Pleione god:Inachus
god:Electryon male Electryon god:Licymnius god:Alcmene
god:Semele female Semele god:Dionysus
god:Alcmene female Alcmene god:Heracles
god:Hera female Hera god:Ares god:Hebe god:Hephaestus
god:Demeter female Demeter god:Persephone
god:Zeus male Zeus god:Dionysus god:Heracles god:Ares god:Hebe god:Hephaestus god:Persephone god:Athena god:Epaphus god:Aphrodite god:Apollo god:Artemis god:Hermes
god:Leto female Leto god:Apollo god:Artemis
god:Epimetheus male Epimetheus god:Dione
god:Atlas male Atlas god:Maia god:Dryope god:Asterope god:Calaeno god:Electra god:Alcyone god:Taygete
god:Pleione female Pleione god:Maia god:Dryope god:Asterope god:Calaeno god:Electra god:Alcyone god:Taygete
god:Inachus male Inachus god:Io
god:Dione female Dione god:Aphrodite
god:Io female Io god:Epaphus
god:Maia female Maia god:Hermes
god:Hermes male Hermes god:Abderus god:Pan god:Hermaphroditus god:Eunomia god:Peitho god:Rhodos god:Tyche
god:Aphrodite female Aphrodite god:Tyche god:Rhodos god:Peitho god:Eunomis god:Hermaphroditus
god:Dryope female Dryope god:Pan
* Row count is limited to 100.