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呉市における毎年度の人口異動データを返すものです。 呉市市民窓口課が住民基本台帳を基に集計した自然動態と社会動態の人口異動データを取得できます。単位は(単位 人)です。 なお、以下の点にご留意ください。 ・各年とも3月末日時点のデータです。



Select a file name to see the detais.
#lang ja
#attribution_name 呉市行政改革デジタル推進第2課
#file_name population_shift
#property number of male births number of female births number of male deaths number of female deaths natural increase (male) natural increase (female) number of male immigrants number of female immigrants number of male emigrants number of female emigrants social increase (male) social increase (female) population increase (male) population increase (female) end-of-year population
#object_type_xsd string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
2021 492 517 1713 1710 -1221 -1193 3473 2183 4890 3266 -1417 -1083 -2638 -2276 211359
2020 617 570 1530 1606 -913 -1036 3627 2267 4708 3306 -1081 -1039 -1994 -2075 216273
2019 638 623 1664 1595 -1026 -972 4577 2613 5188 3347 -611 -734 -1637 -1706 220342
2018 685 607 1647 1598 -962 -991 4401 2647 4767 3368 -366 -721 -1328 -1712 223685
2017 718 728 1595 1590 -877 -862 4304 2689 4921 3476 -617 -787 -1494 -1649 226725
2016 767 720 1526 1610 -759 -890 4653 2735 4717 3384 -64 -649 -823 -1539 229868
2015 802 775 1571 1588 -1144 6 4557 2830 4785 3403 -8182 2602 -6594 1020 232230
2014 841 786 1565 1617 -1168 62 4268 2755 4305 3170 -7413 2718 -5796 1163 234613
2013 868 822 1590 1545 -722 -723 4183 2922 4617 3588 -434 -666 -1156 -1389 236856
2012 851 866 1605 1513 -754 -647 5437 4157 4718 3818 719 541 -35 -106 239401
2011 922 855 1585 1478 -663 -623 3547 2567 4087 3107 -540 -540 -1203 -1163 239542
2010 925 922 1610 1501 -685 -579 3772 2656 4205 3119 -433 -463 -1118 -1042 241908
2009 959 904 1465 1439 -506 -535 4029 2778 4340 3295 -311 -517 -817 -1052 244068
2008 936 929 1486 1380 -550 -451 4061 2899 4604 3299 -543 -400 -1093 -851 245937
2007 935 923 1556 1525 -621 -602 4711 2931 4975 3531 -264 -600 -885 -1202 247881
2006 918 867 1506 1398 -588 -531 4535 2871 5161 3483 -626 -612 -1214 -1143 249968
2005 929 914 1610 1335 -681 -421 4837 2896 5075 3579 -238 -683 -919 -1104 252325
2004 859 831 1172 1079 -313 -248 29080 30375 4713 3244 24367 27131 24054 26883 254348
2003 891 792 1060 1028 -169 -236 5547 4108 4652 3209 895 899 726 663 203411
2002 866 809 1049 984 -183 -175 4565 3075 4656 3232 -91 -157 -274 -332 202022
2001 906 885 1090 963 -184 -78 4391 2944 4775 3543 -384 -599 -568 -677 202628
* Row count is limited to 100.