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#lang ja
#attribution_name 福井県
#file_name h23_06
#property 月別 輸出(外貿) 輸入(外貿) 計(外貿) 輸出(内貿) 輸入(内貿) 計(内貿) 合計
#object_type_xsd string string string string string string string string
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
1 1 5160 3717 8877 1098 106074 107172 116049
2 2 9990 9370 19360 7357 118411 125768 145128
3 3 1755 9247 11002 9210 134668 143878 154880
4 4 864 22390 23254 2287 129915 132202 155456
5 5 3294 36608 39902 20124 99944 120068 159970
6 6 2229 7260 9489 17272 116233 133505 142994
7 7 1629 4248 5877 9242 112524 121766 127643
8 8 5062 5752 10814 3898 134989 138887 149701
9 9 5299 22182 27481 9390 90460 99850 127331
10 10 4384 6970 11354 700 127617 128317 139671
11 11 8027 26590 34617 7795 127922 135717 170334
12 12 7288 3990 11278 4563 115681 120244 131522
13 合計 54981 158324 213305 92936 1414438 1507374 1720679
* Row count is limited to 100.