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125 一般会計目的歳出内訳(決算額)




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#lang ja
#attribution_name sabaecity
#file_name 125sabaetokei
#property expenditureclassification 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
#object_type_xsd string int int int int int int int
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
1 議会費 228512 221012 216138 282660 259314 252256 274001
2 総務費 3503000 2837913 2987058 3379674 2559404 3136877 2361104
3 民生費 6084059 6274051 7594901 7461421 7630459 8132505 8446056
4 衛生費 1990695 1905742 2052079 2076215 1995261 2034984 2370391
5 労働費 168386 169722 141447 135477 139889 133533 137712
6 農林水産業費 826157 880681 1135988 1077018 929814 1316483 935194
7 商工費 1828724 1744554 1414133 1243992 1125868 1376662 1391334
8 土木費 2576560 2655332 2189774 2013473 2008170 2407323 2290487
9 消防費 843115 767302 757430 837762 820991 761917 762779
10 教育費 2728398 2663760 2753139 2918301 3004954 3530388 3643545
11 災害復旧費 19198 596 0 42799 0 342 0
12 公債費 3243010 3365753 3085208 3701516 4134712 3372498 3124558
* Row count is limited to 100.