#LINK | ||||||
#lang | ja | |||||
#attribution_name | NASA, 中山圭太郎 | |||||
#attribution_url | https://2016.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges | |||||
#license | http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.ja | |||||
#file_name | geotagging_space_and_aviation_data | |||||
#download_from | http://linkdata.org/work/rdf1s4413i | |||||
#property | カテゴリー | タイトル | URLタイトル | URLタイトル | URL | 備考 |
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234 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | NASA History: | NASA 沿革 | http://history.nasa.gov/ | |
235 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | NASA History: | NASA 沿革 | http://www.nasa.gov/topics/history/index.html | |
236 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | Building Deep Space Exploration Systems: | ビルディープ宇宙探査システム | http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/ESDSuppliersMap/ | |
237 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | NASA's Astronaut Fact Book: | NASA宇宙飛行士の調査書 | http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/740566main_current.pdf | |
238 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | NASA Astronaut Bios: | NASA宇宙飛行士のプロフィール | http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/index.html | |
239 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | Teaching with Historic Places:Aviation | 航空の歴史的場所 | http://www.nps.gov/nr/twhp/aviation.HTM | |
240 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | Space Grant Consortiums (most USA states have one) | スペースグラントコンソーシアム(米国のほとんどの州で1つあります) | ||
241 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | Local governments may have information dedicated to their aviation history | (地方政府の情報は航空宇宙史に貢献できるかもしれません) | ||
242 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | CubeSat Selections: | 人工衛星の研究開発機関 | http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/home/CSLI_selections.html | |
243 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | Smallsat Technology Partnerships: | 小型通信衛星技術のパートナーシップ | http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/small_spacecraft/announcements-solicitations.html | |
244 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | Space Station International Cooperation: | 宇宙ステーション国際協力 | http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/cooperation/index.html | |
245 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | NASA Partnerships: | NASAのパートナーシップ | http://www.nasa.gov/partnerships/about.html | |
246 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | NASA Centers and Facilities (includes links to visitor centers): | NASAセンターと施設(ビジターセンターへのリンクが含まれています) | http://www.nasa.gov/about/sites/index.html | |
247 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum: | スミソニアン国立航空宇宙博物館 | https://airandspace.si.edu/ | |
248 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | ESA Connect With Us: | ESAのパートナー | http://www.esa.int/ESA/Connect_with_us | |
249 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | JAXA Field Centers: | JAXAフィールドセンター | http://global.jaxa.jp/about/centers/ | |
250 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | NOAA Historical Resources: | NOAA歴史的資源 | http://celebrating200years.noaa.gov/resources.html | |
251 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | National Archives:Space Exploration: | 国立公文書館:宇宙探査 | http://www.archives.gov/research/alic/reference/space-exploration.html | |
252 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | National Archives:American Military History – Aviation: | 国立公文書館:アメリカの軍事史 - 航空 | http://www.archives.gov/research/alic/reference/military/american-military-history.html#aviation | |
253 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | Examples of geo-based apps/games (not sure if they should be included or not) | 位置情報アプリ/ゲームの例 | ||
254 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | Field Trip: | 『フィールドトリップ』 | https://support.fieldtripper.com/hc/en-us/articles/208866807-Frequently-Asked-Questions-FAQ | |
255 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | Create Ingress Missions: | 『Ingress』 | https://support.ingress.com/hc/en-us/articles/206475078-Create-Ingress-Missions-the-basics | |
256 | EARTH | Geotagging Space and Aviation | OnEarth software on GitHub: | 『OnEarth』(GitHub) | https://github.com/nasa-gibs/onearth |