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Vegetable Production System with Food Space colony

This Open-data is about Vegetable Production System with Food Space colony.



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#lang en
#attribution_name Kenichi Shida
#file_name OpenworksFSC
#namespace iclt
#property iclt:identification iclt:name iclt:description ex:version
#object_type_xsd string:en string:en string:en string:en
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
1 T1 Red romaine lettuce Outredgeous Romaine is a tolerant of heat,with firm ribs down their centers. The outer leaves are deep green with a slight bitterness, the inner leaves are pale green.
2 T2 Zinnia hybrida Profusion Zinnia hybrida is a cross between Zinnia elegans and Zinnia angustifolia. For Gardening plants with colorful flowers
3 T3 Tokyo Bekana Chinese cabbage Tokyo Bekana, botanically classified as Brassica rapa var. loose-heading heirloom variety of Chinese cabbage that is native to Japan. Also known as Small Chinese cabbage, Tokyo Bekana is a fast-growing variety that can be harvested at multiple stages of maturity, including microgreen, baby leaf, petite leaf, and at full size.
4 T4 Cabbage Cabbage is comprising several cultivars of Brassica oleracea. Cabbage is leafy green, red, or white.This is Biennial plant grown as an annual vegetable crop for its dense-leaved heads.
5 T5 Lettuce Lettuce is a biennial plant of the genus Lactuca indica native to the Mediterranean coast and West Asia. Used as a vegetable. Can replace in anyware of honey comp food sapace colony, because of wide range of growing conditon.
6 T6 Mizuna Mizuna is quite decorative, with glossy, serrated, dark green leaves and narrow white stalks and as edging. vigorous, adaptable and easy to grow in most soils. It can be haversted after sprouts for 2weeks with raw. Able to grown denced sprout range in honey comb food space colony,
* Row count is limited to 100.