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Expression data from DIURNAL is used as values normalized to the mean expression value over 12 measurements for the DIURNAL data.


Descriptions for each data table:
diurnal_COL_LDHH_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h).
diurnal_COL_SD_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h).
diurnal_DD_DDHC_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Dark (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h), and subjected to Dark (24h).
diurnal_LDHC_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h).
diurnal_LDHH_SM_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h), by using the Smith method.
diurnal_LDHH_ST_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h), by using the Stitt method.
diurnal_LER_SD_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Ler (Landsberg-ereta) strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h).
diurnal_LIGHT5_HIF138_13_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis hif138-13 (HETEROGENOUS INBRED FAMILY 138-13) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h).
diurnal_LIGHT5_HIF138_8_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis hif138-8 (HETEROGENOUS INBRED FAMILY 138-8) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h).
diurnal_LIGHT5_znknOX_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis tsp-ox (hif138-8) (TANDEM ZINCKNUCKLE PROTEIN-ox) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h).
diurnal_LL12_LDHH_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (24h), and subjected to Light (24h) by the Kay method.
diurnal_LL23_LDHH_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (24h), and subjected to Light (24h) by the Miller method.
diurnal_LLHC_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h).
diurnal_LL_LDHC_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h), and subjected to Light (24h).
diurnal_LL_LLHC_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h), and subjected to Light (24h).
diurnal_lhyox_SD_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis lhy (lhy-ox) (LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL) strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h).
diurnal_longday_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Ler strain, grown under the circadian condition of long day light, that is, Light (16h) Dark (8h) by using the Kay method.
diurnal_lux_2_LDHH_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis lux-2 (LUX ARRHYTHMO-2) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h).
diurnal_phyB9_SD_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis phyB9 (PHYTOCHROME B-9) strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h).
diurnal_shortday_normalize The data are associated with the Arabidopsis Ler strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h) by using the Kay method.



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#lang en
#attribution_name cox
#file_name diurnal_LL23_LDHH_normalize
#namespace Locus
#property Probe Locus Genome Condition Phase Correlation Expression 0 hours Expression 4 hours Expression 8 hours Expression 12 hours Expression 16 hours Expression 20 hours Expression 24 hours Expression 28 hours Expression 32 hours Expression 36 hours Expression 40 hours Expression 44 hours Sine Phase Sine Amplitude
#object_type_xsd string string string string int float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
1 244901_at Locus:ATMG00640 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 23 0.539306 1.085061 1.137117 0.899594 0.982436 1.134437 0.993274 0.968444 1.041029 1.046331 0.816983 0.982834 0.912459 19.220979 0.023211
2 244902_at Locus:ATMG00650 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 11 0.615081 0.938493 1.043414 1.036589 1.315117 0.922631 1.026217 0.959979 0.986941 0.981257 0.971856 0.851196 0.966309 8.787359 0.030511
3 244903_at Locus:ATMG00660 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 22 0.582008 1.089698 0.938333 1.128727 0.873608 0.944279 1.055510 1.084023 0.819716 1.015441 1.101067 0.760822 1.188776 17.437879 0.023216
4 244904_at Locus:ATMG00670 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 20 0.353100 0.996528 0.861653 0.845788 1.255636 0.960933 1.041196 1.040766 1.066246 1.043628 0.890833 0.993862 1.002931 1.070469 0.013638
5 244905_at Locus:ATMG00680 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 5 0.646491 0.917966 1.090397 0.863668 0.949867 0.898108 0.906748 1.156514 1.122087 1.006257 0.939306 1.019356 1.129728 17.002003 0.035893
6 244906_at Locus:ATMG00690 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 4 0.407346 1.164809 1.145475 1.026096 1.065321 0.913222 0.997446 0.841831 0.850965 1.003573 1.022017 0.902793 1.066452 23.208180 0.010781
7 244907_at Locus:ATMG00710 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 3 0.927029 1.023750 1.378914 1.017421 0.837444 0.857526 1.013998 1.081083 1.346837 0.922840 0.789050 0.930207 0.800928 21.076596 0.106416
8 244908_at Locus:ATMG00720 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 3 0.690420 0.934489 1.163788 0.904608 1.044797 0.908414 1.039729 1.082956 1.082593 0.943624 0.950293 1.038704 0.906006 20.557593 0.023460
9 244909_at Locus:ATMG00740 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 10 0.648967 0.967318 0.883755 0.960113 1.184762 1.021784 0.924019 1.036746 1.165720 1.158414 0.796226 0.959486 0.941657 11.067675 0.023878
10 244910_s_at Locus:ATMG00750 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 16 0.695372 0.970470 0.909762 0.963204 1.009022 1.218670 0.938681 0.934941 0.965925 0.975362 0.944400 1.023653 1.145908 10.691613 0.039280
11 244911_at A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 15 0.547327 0.924491 1.056808 0.891829 0.951337 0.998901 0.926365 1.055875 1.055839 0.906064 1.088829 1.206252 0.937409 10.129484 0.012953
12 244912_at Locus:AT2G07783 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 2 0.434797 1.510649 0.547529 1.614933 0.741253 1.027724 1.118555 0.708430 0.921748 1.009135 0.718123 0.688633 1.393288 18.758924 0.049308
13 244913_at Locus:ATMG00840 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 4 0.500514 0.997187 1.155061 1.011901 1.160777 0.894869 1.001739 0.962812 1.057230 0.955698 0.878696 1.068364 0.855665 0.123257 0.025940
14 244914_at Locus:AT2G07682 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 6 0.484528 0.739256 1.057895 0.908676 1.034912 1.027236 0.988399 1.106825 1.166517 0.836814 0.961847 0.959435 1.212189 20.925355 0.022630
15 244915_s_at Locus:AT2G07682 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 3 0.589727 1.072907 1.118976 0.908163 1.001096 0.932047 0.928862 0.983482 1.019168 0.970257 1.065124 1.007356 0.992562 21.369043 0.014559
16 244916_at Locus:ATMG00880 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 21 0.723764 1.015133 0.994224 1.012834 0.876231 0.961773 1.195264 1.027167 0.985210 0.933793 1.028391 0.942938 1.027040 16.061068 0.029835
17 244917_at Locus:AT2G07682 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 12 0.363968 0.944878 1.006312 1.051252 1.071725 0.951187 1.074271 0.973865 1.031108 0.958138 0.920287 1.033544 0.983433 6.630082 0.001923
18 244918_at A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 20 0.606262 0.974691 1.060943 0.886118 1.178354 0.970452 0.945939 1.026381 1.104969 0.891394 0.938457 0.998293 1.024010 18.197779 0.006597
19 244919_at Locus:ATMG00960 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 15 0.841166 0.996745 0.983198 0.916397 1.074961 1.074882 1.024317 0.968003 0.993134 1.060077 1.079306 0.952225 0.876754 6.321772 0.021125
20 244920_s_at Locus:ATMG00990 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 3 0.536976 1.141347 1.858154 1.100228 1.201191 0.847097 1.200767 1.239718 0.704659 0.633185 0.643039 0.520220 0.910396 16.123234 0.125085
21 244921_s_at Locus:AT2G07674 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 22 0.554426 1.802434 0.544822 1.803165 0.582622 1.198306 1.302954 0.891853 0.477635 0.601471 0.613779 0.675483 1.505477 15.302128 0.139565
22 244922_s_at Locus:AT2G07674 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 22 0.755656 1.067056 0.950553 0.937817 0.781820 0.942810 1.189182 1.299053 0.876333 1.078650 0.832769 0.996468 1.047490 16.688124 0.071282
23 244923_s_at Locus:ATMG01020 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 21 0.549371 1.022050 0.946107 0.959020 1.062932 0.971296 1.074838 0.915052 1.157828 0.814174 0.910020 1.150310 1.016373 22.568853 0.026032
24 244924_at Locus:ATMG01040 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 20 0.755362 0.891631 0.999834 0.941547 0.962136 0.904151 1.268392 1.064980 0.946345 0.977154 0.996622 0.994794 1.052414 14.393786 0.031619
25 244925_at Locus:ATMG00510 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 3 0.563065 1.025530 1.259522 0.794756 1.100219 0.816874 0.800118 1.039529 1.053346 0.984820 1.063303 1.109744 0.952238 23.149720 0.030595
26 244926_s_at Locus:ATMG00520 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 0 0.411934 1.046121 1.069484 0.967909 1.046516 1.074042 0.997594 1.054139 0.914988 0.968514 0.926211 0.991376 0.943106 20.640405 0.009648
27 244927_at Locus:ATMG00530 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 22 0.369253 0.852809 0.967054 1.015753 0.835268 1.152269 0.977306 1.272557 0.964572 1.054979 1.004821 0.919910 0.982703 17.387207 0.013476
28 244928_s_at Locus:ATMG00570 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 2 0.594905 1.307895 1.053045 1.058246 0.919413 0.977540 1.150416 0.860953 1.025737 0.957416 0.901045 0.722669 1.065625 17.093306 0.054689
29 244929_at Locus:AT2G07717 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 2 0.794179 1.081276 1.188504 1.423333 0.773233 0.755343 1.273207 1.034317 0.981224 0.994228 0.711629 0.819293 0.964413 20.578858 0.089492
30 244930_at Locus:AT2G07809 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 22 0.758610 1.100891 0.988925 0.934764 0.986849 1.097295 0.992519 1.090400 1.133646 0.848866 0.836943 1.012479 0.976423 16.816241 0.040824
31 244931_at Locus:ATMG00630 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 20 0.726441 0.948542 0.861268 1.110565 0.952178 0.931122 1.102796 0.929986 0.923255 1.013521 1.081212 0.880909 1.264646 0.754357 0.019936
32 244932_at Locus:ATCG01060 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 2 0.445393 1.447714 0.713715 1.595488 0.850741 0.672513 1.285063 0.761791 0.870677 0.925081 0.816345 0.940951 1.119922 17.396307 0.039669
33 244933_at Locus:ATCG01070 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 18 0.549381 1.547501 0.935601 0.902203 1.290050 0.930744 1.176490 0.948920 0.763035 0.692072 1.055166 0.849104 0.909115 14.379847 0.050880
34 244934_at Locus:ATCG01080 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 23 0.427280 1.396283 0.889784 0.893443 1.116138 0.973687 1.087070 0.894777 1.139570 0.908237 1.009603 0.736272 0.955136 18.581394 0.037541
35 244935_at Locus:ATCG01090 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 18 0.708378 0.951253 0.846769 0.963625 0.964061 1.107984 0.994483 0.923633 1.012527 1.061526 0.961969 1.099350 1.112821 1.752980 0.034630
36 244936_at Locus:ATCG01100 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 20 0.591223 1.003100 0.872558 1.043519 1.013627 0.989158 1.136391 0.809310 1.012541 1.103557 0.974823 0.936465 1.104952 3.463661 0.015784
37 244937_at Locus:ATCG01110 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 19 0.740121 1.134072 0.612855 1.405496 0.906162 1.110070 1.461502 0.568587 0.763512 0.777773 0.743345 0.876152 1.640472 12.594119 0.111662
38 244938_at Locus:ATCG01120 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 20 0.556260 1.239063 0.826460 1.175658 1.113045 0.879824 1.593194 0.677233 0.808117 1.119927 0.829613 0.699517 1.038348 14.322834 0.024685
39 244939_at Locus:ATCG00065 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 1 0.448077 1.946715 0.407194 2.443104 0.312209 1.127495 1.547784 0.730395 0.482721 0.716931 0.518895 0.515746 1.250812 18.983660 0.111047
40 244940_at Locus:ATCG01230 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 0 0.499936 1.379217 0.500078 1.877782 0.422885 1.305454 1.565136 1.032078 0.526322 1.066105 0.588511 0.833472 0.902959 20.820852 0.068262
41 244941_at Locus:ATMG00010 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 5 0.725706 0.919019 1.103637 1.042427 0.879531 1.008262 0.929513 1.075922 1.127055 0.992701 1.012288 0.997378 0.912268 22.788175 0.031781
42 244942_at Locus:ATMG00050 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 21 0.821319 0.989554 0.878918 0.960778 0.897942 1.034449 1.097910 1.274997 0.971400 0.887465 0.951044 0.946761 1.108782 15.421330 0.056507
43 244943_at Locus:ATMG00070 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 4 0.565740 1.059907 1.037695 1.052158 0.915014 0.736611 0.898449 0.984503 0.977721 1.018414 1.116109 0.964380 1.239039 14.905140 0.024657
44 244944_s_at A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 8 0.518973 1.504591 0.879194 1.847379 1.162044 0.795611 0.961658 1.101453 0.626002 0.961049 0.788454 0.631961 0.740604 12.523080 0.086240
45 244945_at Locus:ATMG00110 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 18 0.795177 0.786670 0.878483 0.808496 0.905156 1.225288 1.122925 1.031170 0.933050 1.094300 0.857652 1.067250 1.289559 12.308179 0.071730
46 244946_at A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 8 0.603929 0.896590 0.883914 1.051862 0.962827 0.948012 0.862567 1.151412 1.358561 1.048633 0.913565 1.023668 0.898388 12.970326 0.045508
47 244947_at Locus:ATMG00130 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 18 0.526913 0.962898 1.027041 0.852413 0.921450 0.961013 1.130278 0.873630 1.134942 0.981006 0.942022 1.196411 1.016896 13.751880 0.024886
48 244948_at Locus:ATMG00140 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 5 0.516143 0.934866 0.976882 0.933360 0.975397 0.870817 0.912731 1.088707 1.119462 0.897632 1.038755 1.102213 1.149177 19.769657 0.017377
49 244949_at Locus:ATMG00150 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 4 0.745155 0.988846 1.336217 0.870376 0.961151 1.040265 0.857693 0.945101 1.095365 0.882667 1.122856 0.980547 0.918915 23.245551 0.028498
50 244950_at Locus:ATMG00160 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 4 0.447194 0.919357 0.962710 0.951289 0.935853 0.889055 1.040957 1.043431 1.079065 0.998366 1.009694 1.089590 1.080632 20.330611 0.013704
51 244951_s_at Locus:AT2G07723 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 11 0.455084 0.948779 1.057371 1.304498 1.450597 0.809958 1.024877 0.594655 1.142621 0.722107 0.765892 1.182797 0.995849 4.808532 0.050116
52 244952_at Locus:ATMG00260 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 17 0.388826 1.011667 1.023835 0.939296 1.092225 0.991018 1.002489 0.989034 0.899004 1.049371 0.976930 1.013608 1.011525 3.078495 0.011166
53 244953_s_at Locus:ATMG00270 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 0 0.358187 1.063194 1.048948 1.146812 0.871562 1.011804 1.113295 0.856873 1.072123 0.903178 0.981224 1.020905 0.910082 21.027369 0.011652
54 244954_s_at Locus:AT2G07732 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 21 0.824303 1.054485 1.010670 0.905239 0.847359 0.962933 1.090727 1.019671 0.913297 0.981823 0.835257 0.909644 1.468895 15.631748 0.077153
55 244955_at Locus:ATMG00320 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 4 0.583983 1.047158 1.076844 1.029406 1.030288 0.840361 1.068324 0.878746 1.144203 0.926699 0.957161 1.040378 0.960432 21.865579 0.022782
56 244956_s_at Locus:AT2G07737 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 22 0.521180 0.980345 1.038210 0.818588 0.955033 0.946380 0.927493 1.077211 0.988753 1.017247 0.958700 1.059343 1.232697 20.644099 0.034274
57 244957_at Locus:ATMG00400 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 5 0.537101 0.980444 0.941794 1.052408 0.960791 0.921847 1.078968 0.978427 1.323811 0.951337 1.017711 0.923987 0.868475 22.569095 0.036918
58 244958_at Locus:AT2G07703 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 23 0.846102 1.149013 0.903815 0.953848 0.957035 1.060754 0.925845 1.289852 0.938777 0.981437 0.878785 0.892616 1.068224 17.048171 0.049620
59 244959_s_at Locus:ATMG00500 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 22 0.438448 1.548953 0.918262 1.428200 0.795058 0.885830 1.461003 0.845342 0.616582 0.877207 1.041202 0.704371 0.877990 17.465762 0.046045
60 244960_at Locus:ATCG01020 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 21 0.687381 1.017049 0.924654 0.963217 0.866755 0.947100 1.080684 1.068519 1.035352 0.934827 1.030561 1.076949 1.054333 15.100066 0.031560
61 244961_at Locus:ATCG01040 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 18 0.639454 0.904883 0.874794 1.081922 0.855532 1.053280 1.033773 0.978815 1.023909 1.007824 0.965720 1.067537 1.152012 11.991819 0.022961
62 244962_at Locus:ATCG01050 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 0 0.501688 1.023587 0.841427 1.239986 0.857612 0.941749 1.018409 1.036049 0.924227 1.010467 0.891590 1.089452 1.125444 21.193618 0.015459
63 244963_at Locus:ATCG00570 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 8 0.600042 0.917429 1.203061 0.950003 1.323313 0.908810 0.992972 0.973556 1.180757 0.989697 0.895279 0.768875 0.896248 12.001278 0.054604
64 244964_at Locus:ATCG00580 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 6 0.832907 1.166976 1.243143 1.130302 1.189231 0.854214 0.856293 0.879531 1.206527 1.071732 0.925666 0.738586 0.737798 23.831269 0.105817
65 244965_at Locus:ATCG00590 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 23 0.413045 1.174546 0.930610 1.246919 0.950222 0.816209 1.178876 1.082008 0.808869 0.986716 0.860309 1.107558 0.857157 18.172551 0.021278
66 244966_at Locus:ATCG00600 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 16 0.710489 1.234592 0.635541 1.031203 1.057208 1.179377 1.281139 0.952999 0.796899 1.070674 0.969512 0.831014 0.959841 11.640896 0.051978
67 244967_at Locus:ATCG00630 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 16 0.621264 0.993691 0.881708 1.080907 0.861080 1.032558 1.014744 1.015715 0.842600 0.947054 1.068248 1.059173 1.202522 11.928851 0.040185
68 244968_at Locus:ATCG00640 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 12 0.766924 0.925066 0.779807 1.073664 1.015462 1.007557 0.928542 0.953391 0.950447 1.176830 1.125196 1.062144 1.001894 6.108319 0.049349
69 244969_at Locus:ATCG00650 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 15 0.724572 1.123329 0.630174 0.998778 0.900495 0.996019 0.919270 0.822728 0.718859 1.106288 1.183494 1.203207 1.397360 10.237340 0.085577
70 244970_at Locus:ATCG00660 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 20 0.489830 0.895595 1.001500 1.014602 1.323068 1.153049 1.512875 0.838575 0.658750 1.091378 0.777007 0.725881 1.007720 1.735810 0.050867
71 244971_at Locus:ATCG00670 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 15 0.500593 1.104707 0.831105 1.459224 1.074104 1.136725 1.131636 0.804279 0.769619 0.968773 0.740847 1.002407 0.976575 4.035388 0.032071
72 244972_at Locus:ATCG00680 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 16 0.611148 1.069639 0.235421 1.631800 0.617641 0.917396 1.354663 1.028061 0.807648 1.019458 1.179814 0.820702 1.317757 11.774323 0.051777
73 244973_at Locus:ATCG00690 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 15 0.632264 0.862597 0.557630 1.244869 0.796030 0.927603 1.271450 1.107548 0.916837 1.060344 1.095060 1.056235 1.103797 10.956370 0.043426
74 244974_at Locus:ATCG00700 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 16 0.558692 1.159040 0.408097 1.926777 0.375385 1.254594 1.325641 1.167107 0.541919 1.004921 1.086452 0.721515 1.028552 12.609409 0.032791
75 244975_at Locus:ATCG00710 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 20 0.689981 1.049432 0.911082 1.045224 0.993874 0.923240 1.108657 0.914032 1.102019 1.002931 0.843277 0.899636 1.206596 17.291856 0.030097
76 244976_at Locus:ATCG00720 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 8 0.719242 0.898295 1.038622 1.005009 0.979541 0.985673 0.904046 0.971840 1.169629 1.014741 0.936919 0.959901 1.135785 13.622899 0.019216
77 244977_at Locus:ATCG00730 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 14 0.726704 0.573841 0.244691 0.653568 1.596484 1.507816 1.422288 0.933766 1.048372 1.215095 1.168058 0.865704 0.770316 8.442774 0.169826
78 244978_at Locus:ATCG00740 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 4 0.527977 0.877027 1.187000 0.983421 1.241487 1.159665 1.052862 0.792619 1.198787 0.863292 1.011622 0.731277 0.900941 2.671473 0.036569
79 244979_at Locus:ATCG00750 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 10 0.561171 0.666051 1.332542 0.957817 1.434985 1.306092 0.836073 0.913946 1.317950 0.870157 0.787666 0.562689 1.014033 10.659971 0.058373
80 244980_at Locus:ATCG00760 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 12 0.591840 0.695441 1.076513 1.091560 1.260768 1.189348 0.990522 0.838273 1.201304 0.781491 1.001495 0.796926 1.076360 6.658660 0.041098
81 244981_at Locus:ATCG00770 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 15 0.518685 0.854458 0.958993 1.209220 1.271445 1.235817 1.002696 0.829820 0.999812 0.861106 0.810319 0.773143 1.193171 4.471752 0.032554
82 244982_at Locus:ATCG00780 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 8 0.284349 1.266108 1.025904 1.709935 1.115710 1.419441 1.423464 0.722907 0.570855 0.767532 0.666451 0.450307 0.861387 10.636989 0.006190
83 244983_at Locus:ATCG00790 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 8 0.309650 1.388093 1.128684 1.778281 1.179327 1.078729 1.290424 0.797325 0.504214 0.727067 0.613408 0.565186 0.949262 15.271531 0.028053
84 244984_at Locus:ATCG00800 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 20 0.664750 0.931968 0.806953 1.133636 0.923333 0.955694 1.112532 0.934643 1.116828 0.981610 1.016335 0.703201 1.383268 16.542535 0.022417
85 244985_at Locus:ATCG00810 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 20 0.552705 0.887963 0.918100 1.211697 1.155150 0.949294 1.099366 0.833874 1.071904 0.754943 1.012597 0.790779 1.314333 1.980644 0.016380
86 244986_at Locus:ATCG00820 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 2 0.633862 1.274570 0.864875 1.242808 0.789606 1.042295 1.042510 0.900389 1.116127 0.993468 0.805495 0.728848 1.199009 17.036322 0.059157
87 244987_s_at Locus:ATCG01310 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 19 0.330108 1.055196 0.879353 1.164802 1.030538 1.052121 1.114789 0.817602 1.082286 0.952035 0.866625 0.951606 1.033047 1.686136 0.005834
88 244988_s_at Locus:ATCG00840 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 10 0.809987 0.943202 0.931779 1.128471 1.213095 0.969640 0.929300 0.801045 1.219152 1.063026 0.904525 0.837218 1.059546 9.827458 0.046829
89 244989_s_at Locus:ATCG01280 A. thaliana LL23_LDHH 20 0.584306 1.496700 0.544057 0.831708 0.935906 1.012209 1.058932 0.952487 1.098027 0.920683 0.892665 1.262676 0.993951 13.956530 0.077272
* Row count is limited to 100.